Thursday, July 19, 2012

June 4 - Starting Date

June 4 started my first day of work in the Casper State Office (SO) and my first opportunity to do some hands on work, literally! Through the Wyoming Board of Agriculture Living Legacy Program several employees and I from the Casper SO went to the Wyoming State Fair Grounds to plant trees. Many people would believe that June is a nice time of the year. Right at the beginning of summer and not too hot...But I am here to attest that that first day I dressed nicely and found out differently. In a good button down short sleeve shirt, boots and dark wash jeans and the temperature was a mild 95 degrees. To give you some background on myself,  I live in western Wyoming in a town called Big Piney, AKA "Icebox of the Nation." I think you can now see my dilemma!
I started taking pictures and learning names of several field office employees and socializing, but as the day went I was right in the middle of tree planting. I have a background in landscaping which made me very valuable when trying to get done and out of the heat.
Here are several photos I took throughout the day, and If you get the chance to look at our hard work, please do! All volunteers for this task.

Right away we started digging holes for the Living Legacy trees that are donated in memory of a family member or friend.

About mid-day we had some excitement and found out how many employees it actually takes to move a CAT forklift.

A recently planted tree next to a larger tree; a hopeful sign of the amount of shade that will be produced in the future.

Many trees came in via flatbed and moved with a forklift to the desired location.

Beautiful guard gates with bucking horse logo and memorial plate were installed. The maker is a Wyoming resident and each piece of work is handmade adding to the character.

The day ended and I was spent. A good day of greeting, socializing, and manual labor set the pace for the rest of the summer with many trips across Wyoming.

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