Thursday, July 26, 2012

June 20 - Sage Grouse Initiative (SGI) on the Sun Ranch

Range habitat on the Sun Ranch west of Casper, Wyoming
I have had the opportunity to meet many people while in the Casper S.O. and one of those people is Dennis Sun, publisher and editor of the Wyoming Livestock Roundup. The Sage Grouse Initiative (SGI) has been a program that many states are involved in with a special group of producers who have stepped up to increase bird population and improve habitat that these birds rely on. The programs intern, Megan McPhaden, and I traveled with Dennis Sun and Everet Bainter, retired NRCS state range cconservationist to the Sun Ranch. It was my first "solo" trip out of the office without the guidance of Brenda Ling. Without her there, I had to think about what should be asked and what kind of information I would need to write this article. I lacked the experience when interviewing producers, but between Megan and I we learned a great deal about the Sun Ranch, SGI, and other activities done on the ranch like solar powered water wells and hunting opportunities through outfitters.
If you would like more information on SGI please visit:
There you will find detailed information, video, and other resources.
Below these series of photos is the final write up. Thanks to Brenda Ling and Dennis Sun for their help editing and fine tuning this piece.
Megan McPhaden, programs intern and Everet Bainter, retired NRCS state range conservationist

Megan McPhaden and Dennis Sun looking over a reservoir used to water livestock as well as wildlife.

A solar powered water well with a recycled tire for a water tank. These tanks have escape ramps inside for birds who get caught in the water.

This is the infamous first rattle snake I have ever seen. Megan and I were both in awe!

Megan and I at a rock formation on the Sun Ranch.

Sage-Grouse a Good Fit for Sun Ranch
By: Haley Lockwood, public affairs student intern 
Working with other stakeholders has been the normal for Dennis Sun and his family, daughter Andrea and son Jeff. Sun and they are operating daily towards a better environment. Like any ranching operation, it is multi-faceted and complex at times. A series of cause and effects reflect on the landscape showing change regularly, some good and some bad.  Luckily, for Dennis Sun, owner of the Sun Ranch west of Casper, Wyo., and publisher/owner of the Wyoming Livestock Roundup, he has made those strides towards a healthier ranching operation.
The sage-grouse is a ground-dwelling bird native to the sagebrush ecosystem of the American West. It has experienced a significant decline in population over several decades. Approximately 40% of all sage-grouse are found in Wyoming.
            The Sage-Grouse Initiative (SGI) spearheaded by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) pro-actively addresses habitat loss and works to keep population healthy enough to avoid an Endangered Species Act listing.
This relatively new program, which Sun implemented recently, has already been successful in raising bird population. The Sun Ranch houses a large wintering area for over 600 grouse, as well as annual habitat that is extremely important to the overall population of this species since on one sage-grouse lek over 300 birds have been counted. Scientific studies and Master’s senior thesis projects, conducted by Cheryl Mandich who attended the University of Wyoming and Casper College, began on the Sun Ranch and provided some insight about these birds.
In recent years, while the sage-grouse population has increased, the numbers were still low compared to 2005.  Like many species, environmental factors, such as habitat and weather, can mean increased or decreased numbers. According to Mandich, who holds a master of science in zoology and physiology found that the estimates of sage-grouse annual survival range from 35% to 85%. A main concern is loss of sagebrush habitat and cover that the birds rely on for winter and summer survival. This translates into survival from predators like coyotes, fox, ravens, and raptors. Findings from Mandrich’s thesis project and help through the SGI may further benefit the sage-grouse population. Grazing management practices have benefited the population since more cover can be left for bird cover. Intensive monitoring programs by the ranch in the past developed by retired NRCS State Range Conservationist Everet Bainter, have created a detailed inventory of habitat and grouse, inventory of ecological sites, potential growth of plant diversity as well as inventory of sagebrush height and density that is extremely important to grouse population. Through SGI and Mandich’s work, Sun has implemented additional practices to reach higher sage-grouse numbers.
            Traveling out to the Sun Ranch, miles and miles of sagebrush stretch out to the horizon leaving the city of Casper far behind. Joint efforts from agencies such as NRCS, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Natrona County Weed and Pest, and Wyoming Game and Fish have helped Sun reach rangeland goals. Sun explained that he did not have to make many changes to become a suitable candidate for SGI. Several things like fence reflectors and more escape ramps for stock tanks were added to the Sun operation to help diminish the risk of bird death.  In the past ten years, they have implemented numerous range Improvements including five solar powered water wells, spring development, stream bank restoration, invasive weed management and over 20 miles of new fence line to divide large pastures for grazing management, thus adding to an improved ranching operation.
Sage-grouse may appear to be the key component with an emphasis on its habitat. Like any ecosystem, an invisible web connects the land to the resource users. In this case, other species like antelope, deer, coyotes, fox and raptors have a large impact on the bird as well. If the habitat that those species rely on improves, it is expected that the species living also thrive.
            Sun’s future plans to improve habitat and production of his ranch consist of a series of check dams on Casper Creek that raise the water table in the riparian area and eventually lead Casper Creek to flow year around.  
Earlier construction of these check dams in the upper reaches of Casper Creek resulted in increased forage along the creek from 2,200 lbs of forage/acre to 5,500 lbs of forage/ acre, this created more habitat and wildlife use in the area along with improved grazing due to the check dams.
The success of SGI is dependent on individual producers like Sun. Progress such as increased sage-grouse numbers and improved sagebrush habitat happens in the field on ranches such as the Sun Ranch. It is through the efforts of producers like Dennis Sun that would help prevent the bird from being listed.

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