Monday, August 20, 2012

Out takes...

So, all seriousness aside....we had a LOT of fun. Looking through these photos you will find that most of the goofy photos are of myself and SCEP intern Katelyn (Katie) Shade of New Mexico. We roomed together in college on a whim that we would probably get along, but as you can see we don't like each other at all!
We worked hard and played even harder. Every advantage to have a good laugh was taken which is what life is all about. Looking at some of these photos I always wonder, "What am I doing?" But these are just some moments captured of our silly selves.


Our classic "Stink-Face" as we would like to call it. "Why are we looking over a dry creek bed?"

We always get a good laugh! At the SGI-SWAT awards ceremony with Chief White.

Reese Irvine and I swing dancing to Jared Rodgerson in Pinedale, WY

You want us to what?

Oh, strike a pose!? We can do that.

Gun Powder + fuse + match + medium sized anvil = Loud explosion, anvil cart-wheeling through the air, and a little cussing of the "Oh-no" variety.

Chyrl Grapes is starring in a new episode of Storm Chasers - Wyoming: When Ethity Blew Away.

Even Brenda loves the wide open spaces of Sublette County!

The classic mug-shot of yours truly, Haley Lockwood.

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