Monday, September 3, 2012

Internship Project: Earth Team Volunteers

The NRCS Earth Team Volunteers program is a special way for those seeking to help the agency do so through their local field offices in the state. This program has many benefits such as saving tax payer money through a volunteer basis, work experience, personal connections, and giving much needed help to those making a difference.
As I started this project I had no idea what this volunteer program is about, so I spent some time looking through the volunteer information binder that has all details of the program. Like many say in the NRCS, "We are good at what we do, not at how be publicize." It was my goal to do just that and make it easier for the volunteers to obtain information and the local field offices gain the much needed help.
I thought about several things that I believed employees and volunteers would like out of the program other than what was specified in the binder. I decided to start with a "Needs Form" that the field offices fill out that has a categorized list of basic areas, which are found in the Earth Team Volunteers binder, where they can put down any specific task that the office needs done. For example, there is a training coming up in Cheyenne and they need 30 binders full of information copied and put together. Yet they have several projects coming to a close that are high priority as well and only a few employees in the office. This is where volunteer help will come into play and elevate the stress of juggling several tasks with limited help.
 This form will also have a section at the top that lets the field office put down public events that the employees attend. When I asked several volunteer based operations, one of them the Sublette County Search and Rescue, how they gained more volunteers throughout the years they stated that they found people were more willing to give their time to a person, agency, company, etc if they know they are doing their part and giving to the community. The old saying, "If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" still holds true.
While this issue with this form is that it is just that; another form to fill out. I contacted the field offices and got their opinions about this form and many were the same. They felt that they did not want to fill out the form either because they are busy or that it would go to the way-side. The other large issue came up of spending their limited time training a volunteer that may not come back. Is it truly worth the field offices' time to train someone who may not come back? That is a risk that all volunteer based organizations must face.
Below is the form for your viewing...

Earth Team Needs Assessment Form
Date: ____________________________________
Field Office: ______________________________________________
Amount of Volunteers Needed: _______________________________
Please list events that your field office holds or participates in throughout the year. This will better assess how each office interacts within the NRCS and with community members.
Below is a list of needs for your office specifically. Please fill in necessary information by the service detailing the needs of your office.  
Clerical Services: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Conservation Education:
 Conservation Implementation:
Conservation Planning and/or Consultation:

 Field Maintenance:
Financial Assistance and Fiscal Activities:
Human Capitol:
Natural Resource …:

Outreach Communications:
Sage Grouse Initiative:
Snow and or Soil Survey:
 This table can be kept as a reference in your office to assess needs throughout the year. Also, think about importance of the activities and plan accordingly. 

Activities that MUST be Accomplished

Activities not being Accomplished

Activities we’d like to Accomplish

Activities that Volunteers can Accomplish

I also made a "Volunteer Information packet" that will give people interested in the NRCS a way to obtain basic information as well as decide if they would like to volunteer. Since we are trying to market an idea to volunteers I mainly brainstormed ideas and sent these forms to Allison McKenzie in Buffalo for her much needed honest opinion. 
Below are the brain storming ideas...

Earth Team Volunteers
Brainstorming Ideas

1.      Perks to amount of time volunteered
a.       Prizes, recognition, “insider” privileges (spot reserved during workshops)

2.      Work with local schools and school organizations (FFA, 4-H, Ag. Programs, National Honor Society, Student Council, etc.) to gain student involvement
a.       Community service events

3.      4-H and FFA Ag. Lands Volunteers
a.       Help farmers and ranchers through NRCS Earth Team Volunteers Program
b.      Cover community service needs while gaining experience through an agency
                                                              i.      Possibility of internship opportunities  

4.      Publicity about events showing the importance of projects
a.       Create close relations with public affairs specialists for help
b.      Make yourself present at community events
c.       Target earth conscious individuals
                                                              i.      Farmers Markets, health food stores (if possible), publications targeting those individuals

Public Affairs (All Field Office) Outreach
1.      June 21 – 9am-4pm, Gros Ventre Field Trip (Conservation and wildlife issues in the area RSVP
2.      June 23 – 9th Annual Kayak Rodeo
a.       White Water Park (Casper Paddling Club)
3.      July 6 – Central Wyoming Fair and Rodeo
4.      Farmers Market?

While I started on this project in hopes that I could get it finished and sent off to the field offices and back to myself so I can revise. Due to conflicting schedules with the state field offices I did not receive feedback in a timely manner to do so. This is as far as I got with this project, yet Brenda Ling, my supervisor, said that she would try to finish this for me! How very kind of her to use my work and I hope it does come of some help in the future.